Enjoy all the flavors of classic stuffed peppers in a fraction of the time with this easy Unstuffed Peppers Skillet recipe! Made with lean ground beef (or turkey), bell peppers, onions, Italian seasoning, and long-grain rice, this one-pan dish is simmered in beef broth for a hearty and comforting meal. Topped with tomato sauce and melty cheese, it’s a perfect weeknight dinner that’s ready in under 30 minutes. This simplified version
This creamy chicken a la king recipe is a homemade version of the classic comfort food dish and is loaded with fresh vegetables and a splash of cream. Pasta replaces puff pastry so that it comes together in just 30 minutes making it a perfect weeknight meal!
If you’re done with dry, gamey, tough venison stew and want rich flavorful gravy, delicious tender stewed venison meat and chunky veggies, then you’ve...
This Salmon Caesar Salad recipe is the perfect combination of two of our most popular dishes: our 5-star Caesar dressing and chef-approved, crispy seared...
I have been making this healthy cornbread recipe with whole-wheat flour and buttermilk for nearly twenty years and is an all-time favorite recipe. It...