This maple pumpkin pie dip is a delicious and super easy snack that kids love! It is made with cream cheese, canned pumpkin, maple...
This healthy chicken coconut curry is one of my all-time favorite recipes. It is super flavorful, creamy and filled with veggies. It also freezes...
This slow cooker white bean and ham stew with chicken and kale is so easy–just set it and forget it. It is the perfect...
These cucumber noodles with lemon basil takes just 10 minutes to make. They’re a cool, crispy side when you want an alternative to a...
This chickpea and grilled corn salad is so easy and delicious. You’ll wish you had made a double batch! It has basil, parsley and...
Today I am going to talk a bit about what to do with yellow tomatoes and share an easy and incredibly tasty recipe for...
A simple tabbouleh salad with curly parsley, mint, tomatoes and red onion. A perfect healthy summer side dish that requires just 15 minutes of...
These easy Mexican sautéed peppers only take 10 minutes to make, and they are naturally gluten-free, vegan and paleo. Why We Love This Recipe...
Here is a twist on Peach Cobbler in the form of a protein-packed peach smoothie. It is made with sugar-free protein powder, oats and...
This Thai Skirt Steak is sure to have you officially joining the clean-plate club. The steak is marinated in an easy Coconut Lime mixture...
Our Brie, Honey and Walnut bites are so simple to make on a crispy salty Triscuit cracker. Trust us, once you taste how delicious...
Meet the easiest, most savory and tangy vegan broccoli salad you’ve ever seen! It is 100% dairy-free and comes together in less than an...