Pear Smoothie with Spinach
Looking for a quick, nutritious, and delicious way to start your day? This Pear Smoothie with Spinach is the perfect solution! Ready in just...
Here are the recipes here on Healthy Seasonal Recipes that can be made start to finish in 20 minutes or less! Perfect for busy families and weeknight meals. Some of our all time favorites 20 minute main course recipes include this Pan Fried Fish, our recipe for Vegan Tacos and this Puttanesca Sauce.
And remember this category includes recipes that are 20 minutes or less, so some of the recipes here are ready even faster than 20 minutes. Some faves are this 5 minute Pesto, our 10 minute Gazpacho and this 15 minute Thai Curry Pumpkin Soup.
You’ll also find a lot of side dishes here too including our Broccoli with Lemon, this Balsamic Kale with Cranberries and this Cucumber and Napa Cabbage Coleslaw.