Looking for a quick, nutritious, and delicious way to start your day? This Pear Smoothie with Spinach is the perfect solution! Ready in just...
Smoothies are the perfect way to enjoy fruits and veggies, and with over 15 years of sharing seasonal produce recipes online, you can trust...
This 5-Minute recipe for Blueberry Peanut Butter Smoothie is going to slide right into your breakfast routine! It has 30 grams of protein, two...
If you have 5 minutes, then this easy Blueberry Banana Smoothie is a fast, healthy and high-protein way to make breakfast or snack. The...
This 5-minute recipe for Strawberry Peanut Butter Smoothie needs to be a part of your healthy breakfast routine. It packs 21 grams of protein,...
It’s pretty safe to say that most of you have probably made a smoothie, right? But have you made a Healthy Green Smoothie? Adding...
This Super Green Tea Smoothie gets its color from spinach and matcha green tea powder. It is loaded with protein, vitamins and antioxidants and...
Here is a twist on Peach Cobbler in the form of a protein-packed peach smoothie. It is made with sugar-free protein powder, oats and...
This vanilla green protein smoothie has it all! It’s loaded with protein and spinach to keep you full, and bananas and almond milk help...
This Pear, Honey, and Avocado Smoothie is paleo-friendly, gluten-free, dairy-free and delicious. It’s a great way to start your day because it’s loaded with...
I put together a winter smoothie recipe round-up for you all today, as well as a few detox juices. I love the idea of...
A raw vegan smoothie inspired by the flavors of a piña colada with banana in it, also known as a monkeylada. It’s refreshing, delicious,...