This Slow Cooker Ground Turkey Bolognese needs to be on your dinner rotation! It is of course delicious, but also with just 45 minutes...
This lightning-quick pasta dinner is our new obsession! The combination of creamy tomato sauce, garlic and fennel seeds is the perfect accompaniment to tender...
If you have 30 minutes, then you have enough time to throw together this simple Veggie Pesto Pasta recipe. It is made with fresh...
This Healthy Macaroni Pasta Salad is made with a simple creamy Greek Yogurt dressing, fresh veggies and shredded cheddar cheese. Serve it as a...
You’ll never miss the bacon in this creamy and easy Vegetarian Carbonara with Mushrooms recipe. This meatless pasta dish is a main course that...
Today’s recipe is a super easy pantry-friendly recipe: takeout style sesame noodles made with whole-wheat pasta tossed with rice vinegar, toasted sesame oil and...
This 30-minute Healthy Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli is only 300 calories per serving. Read on to find out the tricks I used to make...
This Slow Cooker Chicken Cacciatore is one of our fan-favorite recipes! So if you are looking for a dump and go Crockpot dinner but...
This Slow Cooker Beef and Porcini Mushroom Pasta is just what you’ll crave on a cold winter night. It is comfort food perfection that’s...
This Pasta with Corn, Tomatoes, Basil and Mozzarella is for all the corn lovers who enjoy eating a great pasta dish in the summertime....
There is only one thing that is better than a creamy yet healthy pasta salad with ham and peas, and that one thing is...
This Healthy Chicken Parmesan is a keeper! It’s ready in 30 minutes, making it a perfect weeknight dinner. Plus, it’s a healthier version of the...