This simple chilled Ramen Cabbage Salad with carrots, scallions and toasted almonds is made with crunchy uncooked ramen noodles, Napa cabbage and an easy...
This Healthy Tahini Chicken and Broccoli Sir-fry with Easy Creamy Tahini Sauce is perfect for a 30-minute weeknight meal. It’s made with fresh broccoli,...
This Maple Glazed Salmon recipe comes from my cookbook Maple (Quirk Books, 2015.) So you know this recipe has been through a rigorous testing process! So if you...
This healthy pumpkin bread with chocolate chips is earth-shatteringly good. It’s made with whole wheat flour, a whole can of pumpkin, maple syrup and mini...
If you’re collecting cookie recipes and looking for something unique and delicious, these naturally sweetened maple cookies are going to be a huge hit!...