If you love a good kale salad with orange then you will adore this recipe. This bright and sunny salad includes chopped raw kale,...
Kale Pesto is a fun twist on the classic basil pesto recipe. Made with nutritious bright green kale, spicy basil, sweet pine nuts, and...
These Grilled Steaks with Kale Pesto are juicy and flavorful. The steaks are seasoned with garlic and salt before grilling, then you top them...
Whether you are trying to eat in season, you belong to a CSA or you are just trying to make the most of the...
This hearty and delicious recipe for vegan Harvest Vegetable Soup is made with butternut squash and kale. The herbs and seasonings pair perfectly with the...
This hearty Italian sausage kale soup recipe is ready in under 30 minutes! Loaded with spicy turkey sausage, bright kale and beans, this one-pot...
Bold Statement: Tuscan Ribollita is one of my favorite foods on the planet. If you have never had a bowl of ribollita soup, then...
If you have never made a massaged kale salad, this is the perfect recipe to start with. We are kale salad lovers around here!...
Sautéed kale with apple cider vinegar is a simple, flavorful, and tender dish that is the perfect side for any meal. A slightly fruity...
This recipe for Kale and Shaved Brussels Sprouts Salad has fresh crunchy apple, toasted almonds and a bold lemon vinaigrette with garlic and Parmesan...
You don’t have to be vegetarian to fall in love with this impressive savory galette recipe. It’s made with kale and beet greens cooked...
You will never use another Lentil Soup recipe again once you try a bowl of this Vegetarian Lentil Soup with kale, tomatoes and carrots....