Mexican Chicken Casserole is a hearty and satisfying Mexican comfort food recipe that the whole family will love. This simple, easy-to-assemble dish, with baked...
This Waldorf Chicken Salad recipe is an easy and delicious lunch! It has celery, apples, walnuts and poached chicken breast in a creamy Greek...
If you are craving a steaming bowl of nourishing comfort right now, then look no further than this healthy Italian Wedding Soup made with...
Hold onto your spurs, Cowboys and Cowgirls, I have the most magical Creamy Slow Cooker White Chicken Chili recipe to share with you today....
Here is a deliciously healthy and creamy Crockpot Chicken Wild Rice Soup recipe made with tender chunks of chicken, wild rice, lots of veggies...
Today I have the best Chicken and Biscuit Casserole with Leftover Chicken or Turkey made from scratch to share with you. There are tons...
Have you noticed that I am really getting into a groove here with these comfort food makeovers? Today I made Chicken Divan with broccoli,...
This homemade slow cooker chicken gumbo features chicken, Andouille sausage, okra, and lots of fresh veggies! I’ve added in rice to make it a...
This 30-minute Healthy Chicken Alfredo with Broccoli is only 300 calories per serving. Read on to find out the tricks I used to make...
I have been making this Island Chicken Marinade for 25 years and it remains one of my all time favorite recipes! I love it...
It only takes 30 minutes total to cook and assemble these rainbow-hued Chicken Quinoa Bowls. They’re drizzled with homemade peanut dressing, which jazzes up...
If I were to ever have the need to use the beloved millennial phrase “on repeat” about something I cook, it would be about...