When I sold take-home meals at the local farmers market this Ratatouille recipe was my best seller! I made this recipe in huge batches...
Have you ever had Cranberry Pesto before? Served with crostini and chevre, it is a simple and flavorful appetizer perfect for Christmas, a cocktail...
Today I have a 20 minute recipe for a salad of shaved raw asparagus ribbons, shredded romaine lettuce, hazelnuts and goat cheese tossed and...
This Swiss Chard tart with Chevre and Leeks is a must make if you are looking for a vegetarian entree that is festive enough...
This recipe for Strawberry Chicken Salad Goat Cheese and Spring Greens is a great entree salad for lunch, dinner or even a festive brunch...
Roasted asparagus, chopped hazelnuts and fresh goat cheese bring staying power to these hearty spring entrée salads. They’re naturally gluten-free and vegetarian. This recipe...
Chèvre, slivered almonds and thyme dressing take this Spaghetti Squash Salad to the next level. And if you’ve never tried cooking it before, you’ll...
These Roasted Cranberry Flatbreads with Goat Cheese are an easy and unexpected holiday appetizer. These easy savory, sweet and tart pizzas are made with...
Here is a recipe for warm Asparagus Panzanella with a runny-yolk poached egg on top. This vegetarian entree is perfect for a brunch entree...
You have arrived! These slow roasted grape crostini with goat cheese and walnuts with a drizzle of honey are truly sublime. This viral recipe...
Here is a great healthy, sweet and savory appetizer! Beets and caramelized onions top slices of fresh baguette with crumbled goat cheese on top....
In this Peach Panini Sandwich tangy creamy goat cheese pairs with sweet, juicy peaches. This is a go-to summer panini recipe to make when...