This Blackened Salmon Salad is the ideal recipe if you love eating a big salad with protein for dinner! This fresh, colorful, and vibrant...
Here is a delicious and satisfying Black Bean and Ham Soup inspired by the soup my mom used to make for me. It has...
Our easy homemade veggie burritos are ready in only 25 minutes. They are loaded with fresh vegetables including red onion, corn and bell pepper,...
This Ground Turkey Crockpot Chili is the best ever! It is veggie-loaded and so simple to prepare. Just brown the ground turkey in a...
This thick and hearty Instant Pot 15 bean and ham soup is brimming with tender beans, veggies and smoky ham. Make it with your...
This 10-minute recipe for homemade black bean hummus is a delicious twist on a classic hummus recipe. It is made with black beans, lime...
These healthy chicken quesadillas are packed with seasoned and shredded chicken breast, black beans, and fresh corn all griddled together inside crispy whole-wheat tortillas...
This Southwest Quinoa Salad with black beans, mango and avocado is a delicious side salad for potlucks, parties and summertime picnics. The cumin, lime...
This delicious Chickpea Tuna Salad is a vegan version of a classic tuna salad. Featuring all the traditional flavors of the beloved salad, you...
Here is a recipe for classic homemade healthy turkey chili made with pinto beans and fresh vegetables. It tastes just like classic chili, with...
This hearty Italian sausage kale soup recipe is ready in under 30 minutes! Loaded with spicy turkey sausage, bright kale and beans, this one-pot...
Bold Statement: Tuscan Ribollita is one of my favorite foods on the planet. If you have never had a bowl of ribollita soup, then...