When it comes to brunch dishes, it doesn’t get much easier than a veggie frittata! There’s no crust, no flipping or folding, and the...
If you need a chocolate cake for a coming celebration, then I have the recipe for you! This healthy chocolate cake is deliciously chocolatey...
This lemon garlic Greek Potatoes recipe is coming hot off the pages of the brand new Mediterranean cookbook by bestselling cookbook author Suzy Karadsheh...
Flavorful juicy flank steak tacos are quick and simple to prepare. This recipe comes from the pages of my cookbook (published by Quirk Books)...
When you want the nourishing goodness of whole grains with the comforting taste of saffron rice, turn to this Simple Saffron Brown Rice recipe....
If you’re craving a rich and creamy pumpkin cheesecake but you don’t want all the calories, you have found the perfect fall dessert! My...
This recipe has been winning hearts and minds since 2013 and has been shared thousands of times. Find out what all the fuss is...
I wrote an entire cookbook about cooking with maple syrup, so I can assure you this is not only the easiest recipe for maple...
Here at Healthy Seasonal Recipes, we love creating dishes that are family-friendly, packed with seasonal veggies, and easy to whip up any day of...
When I was a recipe developer in the test kitchen at EatingWell magazine my favorite challenge was making over classic comfort food recipes. Back...
When you want the taste of classic Beef Bourguignon, but you don’t want to spend the day in the kitchen, turn to this recipe....
This farro salad recipe is not only satisfying and delicious, but it’s also perfect for those looking to enjoy a hearty grain salad packed...